Mildred Price
Barbara McCreary
Fannie Wright
We want to welcome those new retirees who were able to join us at the October Luncheon meeting. We hope we will be seeing many more of you at coming events.
Our membership has grown by about 5% as of October 3rd. We have a grand total of 149.
92 State members,
30 cash members, 24 local members, and
3 emeritus members.
Activity Cards
We have been in contact with the Board of Education and once more are able to offer entry cards for the Athletic Program of Queen Anne’s County. Our members are able to attend Home Events for $2.00 with this activity card. Please call, email or write to Ruth Ford in order to obtain your card.
101 Windsor Road
Queenstown, Md. 21658
Sunshine Committee
Ava Honeycutt
Welcome to Fannie Wright who has joined Ava in the Sunshine Committee. These ladies are wishing all a healthy and happy coming holiday season.
Worst Case Retirement Planning
Dubious about Social Security, some financial planners are adjusting expectations. Clients in their 30 g'set no government checks figured into their retirement stash; in their 40’ and 50’s, half their estimated benefits; in their 60’s, 75%. (Source: Wall Street Journal)
Community Service
Make a note now to bring a non-perishable food item to place in our community service basket at the December Luncheon. We will be donating the food to the Grasonville Head Start to be distributed to their families this holiday season. Let’s share the bounty with our families in QA County.
Happy Birthday
3- Jeffery Miller
4- Jane Sparks
10-Deborah Mandyez
12-Margaret Cleveland
17-Dorothy Eaton
18-Thomas Burton
20-Betty Frantz
29-Gary Pyle
4- Ernie Darling
8- Danny Thomas
16-Joan Lewis
17-Sharon Darling
19-Nedra Spry
19-Kay Wharton
23-Harry Rhodes
26-Robert Newton
29-Chick Zakarian
30-George Ickes
3- Brenda Newton
17-Peter Carlo
21-Barbara McCreary
23-Mary Glick
29-Mary Hampton
What day did you feel the richest?
When I found a doctor who believed me.
American Holiday
If you are looking for an American made gift idea for the coming holidays, consider one of the following.
Gift certificates from your local hair salon or barber
Gym membership
American owned car detail shops and car washes - gift certificate
Lawn mowed for the summer
Drive way plowed for the winter
Gift to American (especially locally) owned restaurants
Computer tune up by a local business
Hand made craft ideas as gifts - check out local crafters
A ticket to a show at a hometown theatre: Church Hill, Avon - Easton, Todd - Chesapeake College
Make your holiday about encouraging American small businesses.
Thanks for these ideas from my high school friend, CR.
Anecdote (an-ik-doht)
n. a tale of whoa.
Watching a movie recently, I couldn’t hear the dialogue over the chatter of two women if front of me. Unable to bear it any longer, I tapped one of them on the shoulder, “Excuse me,” I said, “I can’t hear.”
She snapped back, "I should hope not. This is a private conversation!”
(David Carver)